Videos of My Courtroom Experiences



I had to go to court seven times for filming and videotaping gas drilling activities

in my County.

I was dragged to Court in my County and accused of “trespassing” by Cabot Oil and Gas

and the Gas Company managed to get an injunction to keep me 100′ away from their

Frack sites and 25′ from their driveways to their Frack Sites and I have to park 100′

from their driveways on public roads in my county.

I was accused of “contempt of court” twice based on false evidence, insisting that I broke

the Injunction and fined

by the Judge who believed the Gas Industry attorneys and their gas workers’ testimonies.

We have a Corporate Take-over of my County and my State of Pa..

Once any State or County lets these toxic Gas Companies into your areas, your

Civil Rights are at risk.  Your health and Environment is also at risk.

Links for Courtroom Videos:



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